Dr. Wheeler offer’s educational consultation to families to support:
Assessment Questions:
Decide whether or not you need an assessment, and think about the pros and cons of different assessment options.
Process and understand assessment results and get practical ideas from assessments.
School Collaboration:
Navigate schools supports, including 504 and IEP plans, and school placement options.
Advocate for yourself and promote self-advocacy in your child.
Collaborate effectively with teachers and schools.
Understand and review IEPs and school reports.
Attend IEP and other school meetings to help you ask important questions and digest information.
Developing Support Systems:
Find good providers who fit your family and child and have availability.
Set-up a support system and team with good communication and collaboration.
Learning and Shifting Perspectives:
See the big picture and plan for a range of long-term outcomes for your child.
Understand neurodiversity and disability
Communicate with your child and others about your child’s differences.
Become empowered in your role as parent.
You can Dr. Wheeler about consultation here.